How To Grow Your Own Sandwich Sprouts
Try a fun and easy gardening activity with kids by growing your own sandwich sprouts! Learn how to sprout seeds in a jar with simple steps, and enjoy fresh, nutritious sprouts for salads and sandwiches in just a few days.
What You'll Need
Empty jar or clear plastic cup
Spouting seeds (lentils, alfalfa, mung beans, snow peas, etc)
Clean Chux cloth or similar
Rubber band
Bucket or bowl
Scissors for cutting up cloth
Cut the chux cloth to make a lid over the jar or cup with enough overhang to attach to jar with a rubber band
Add a teaspoon of the chosen seeds into the jar or cup
Pour a small amount of water over the seeds
Attach the chux cloth to the jar with a rubber band
Pour out the water through the chux cloth into a bucket or bowl
Pour some more water through the chux to wet the seeds again
Pour out the water through the chux cloth into a bucket or bowl
Place in a light sunny place
Everyday pour water over the seeds and empty as above
Watch as they grow into shoots
Harvest shoots when they are about 4cm tall
Use in salads, sandwiches or just eat as they are