How To Make Your Own
Seed Tape
Learn how to make your own seed tape with this fun and simple gardening activity for kids! Teach tamariki how to space seeds using kitchen towel and homemade paste, then plant the strip in the garden for easy, organised sowing.
What You'll Need
Paper kitchen towel
Stick for applying paste
Seeds (alternating carrot and radish seeds works well)
Cut a piece of kitchen towel into strips
Mix a small amount of flour with a small amount of water to make a smooth paste
Measure the distance between seeds with a ruler on the strip of kitchen towel and mark the spot with a pen
Continue until the strip has measured dots all the way along it
Apply a dab of flour paste onto each dot
Put a seed into each dab of paste
Label the kitchen strip with the type of seed
Put aside to dry
When dry make a trench in the garden and put seed strip in
Cover with a thin layer of soil
Water gently
Keep the row damp and wait for the seedlings to poke through the ground
Creative Variation
Instead of using strips of kitchen towel, keep in one piece or cut into shapes. Be creative with where the paste goes, putting seeds on to create patterns when the seedlings emerge and grow.